
Local Initiative for Community Empowerment and Development

Implemented Districts
Funding Partner
Lutheran World Nepal
Jan 2019 - Dec 2022

01. The Challenge & Solution

Since the establishment Aasaman Nepal Core Vision Is Education for all through the journey Aasaman Nepal has made high priority to children with disabilities because they are less likely to start school and if they do, they are unlikely to transition to secondary school. Their access to school is often limited by a lack of understanding about their needs, and a lack of trained teachers, classroom support, learning resources and facilities. Denying children with disabilities their right to education has a lifelong impact on learning, achievement and employment opportunities, hence hindering their potential economic, social and human development. Aasaman Nepal has put it as a cross-cutting theme in every project especially in education project.


  • Supporting the education of children with disabilities in mainstream schools
  • Providing personalized support and assistance to the families
  • Developing referral systems for assistive devices and the accessibility of schools
  • Supporting disabled people’s organizations to advocate for the right to inclusive education
  • Awareness, advocacy and capacity to policies and regulations to the realization of equity and social justice at local palikas

Activates accomplished during the period

  • Consultation and consent with Palika 
  • Staff Selection & Office space management
  • Project induction to staff and Palika
  • Orientation to staff on CoC, Child protection, CRM and financial compliance
  • Orientation on reporting form format and time line
  • Community Mapping-38 tole and Data collection
  • Group formation in all 9 ward and one at the Palika level
  • GESI training to HT/GFTs
  • Support and Celebrated 29th Int’l Disability Days
  • Identifying school for the non/structural support

Major Achievement During the Period

  • 10 committee of PwD (People with Disability) formed at all 9 ward and Palika with 74(Female-22, Dlit-17 & Muslim-4) people and orient about the entitlement of PwD in the presence of ward chair and vice chair,
  • Data of PwD collected through HHs Survey and identified 349(Female-121, Dalits-110) number of PwD in the Palika,
  • GESI Orientation has been provided to HTs/GFTs of 24 school of Palika in the presence of EFPs,
  • Direct reached with 1147 People through different activities during this period & aware on Disability
  • 17 School has identified for non/structural disable friendly support

Survey on Disability Statues at Shahid Nagarpalika

The aim of this survey is to explore the concept of disability so as to enhance understanding of the situation of disabled people in Shahid Nagarpalika-Dhanusha. In this survey aims to broaden the insight into the current discourse on disability by providing an in-depth investigation of important basic rights, focusing on the inclusiveness of society. It is valuable to analyze policies and practices that have been created to improve the current situation. This analysis is of importance to conceive how initiatives conceptualize disability and societal inclusion in order to understand recent developments at local level.

Some Major Finding

  1. # of PWD People During the Assessment According to Cast Ethnicity

In the survey we have covered 349 disabled people in Shahid Nagarpalika where 110 Dalit, 124 Janjati, 14 Muslim, 96 OBC and 5 others were covered in the assessment.

  1. # of PWD People During Assessment According to Age Group and Gender

During the survey, there were 45 females and 304 Male with PWD were as looking as in the age of PWD there were (15-30) -91, (30-40) 101, (40+) 157 people were covered in the survey.

  1. Type of Disability Found During the Assessment

Out of 349 there were, 5% of people who have Disability related to voice and speech, 8% of Physical disability, 12% have only Disability related to voice were as 1% in hearing disability, 8% are blind disability, 33% have feet disability, 3 % have hand problem and 29 % were multiple disables were as 1 % have other problem. 

  1. Type of Card PWD People Received From Palika

According to their disability where we have seen 18.34% of PWD people have red card and 35.24% PWD people have yellow card similarly 16.91% have type C card and so on. Were as still 26.93 % PWD people doesn’t have any kind of Disability card. These are the people need to be category according to their disability as soon as possible.

  1. % of PWD people receive Support from Palika

In the survey, we found that out of 349 PWD people in Palika, 64.18% of PWD people are Illiterate and 35.82 % are literate in the Palika.

  1. Type of Profession do By PWD people

Out of 349 PWD people in Palika 264 people are engaged in Agriculture were as 22 in Business, 11 do job and 52 are engaged in other household work according to their capacity.

  1. PWD people received facility from Palika

In a total number of 349 PWD people, 50% receive some kind of support from the Local government and 50% of people doesn’t receive any kind of Support.


Gaps/ Challenges

  • High expectation among PWD and their committee,
  • Palika itself expected some support to address the issue of PWD,
  • To start work in time due to COVID, school closer and rainy/festive season
  • No any Policy, Guideline and procedure has developed by the Palika

Area to improvement

  • Support to formulate policy, guideline, program and profile of PWD
  • Established a desk and focal point in the Palika for PWD
  • Support of equipment and devices for PWD 
  • Training and orientation to the Palika representatives and staff on Disability and respond to them


In conclusion, from the review of policies and international conventional commitments, Nepal has sufficient policies regarding people with disabilities. The most serious issue is the good governance of organizations. Lack of responsibility, accountability and transparency those policies are in a shadowed area. It means implementation parts are very disappointing. It needs another study to check the issue from good governance perspective. On the other hand, development trends seem satisfactory. Historically, mythological, and cultural aspects on disability are not defined scientifically, so the same traditional impacts are seen in the contemporary lives of people with disabilities.

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