Aasaman Nepal has been celebrating international literacy day through various activities like, rally, interaction, street drama, cultural program etc in its working districts and shown participation at national level since 2009 to sensitize stakeholders on importance of education and influence at policy. NFEC and DEO appreciated ASN for celebrating literacy day and active participation at national level with stall demonstration. GoN awarded and provided prize to schools of working area for 100% catchment area free according to Aasaman-Nepal’s recommendation.

International Literacy Day Celebration

Aasaman Nepal facilitated DEO to organize an international literacy day program on the occasion of 47th international literacy day and national education day on 5th September 2013 at Janakpur Chamber of Commerce and Industries.

The program was focused around the theme of this year “Sakshar Banau, Sakshar Banaau-Sakshar Nepal Abhiyan”. The main objectives of the program was to aware education stakeholders on current education/literacy status, opportunity, threats and future direction and develop common understanding among them for advocacy purpose. There was active participation of concerned DEO, UNESCO, UNICEF, NFEC, Save the Children, WFP, LDO, WCDO, DPHO and representatives of different organizations and journalists in post-literacy class observation, rally, education awareness street drama and press conference organized.

Affiliation with Girls Education Network and Action

Aasaman Nepal has affiliated with Girls Education Network established at the department of education under the gender equity branch. In this network, there is a presence of INGOs/NGOs working especially in the area of girls’ education. The network was established with the objective of ensuring quality education to all children even with different conditions and statuses as education as fundamental rights of people. ASN contributed financially and technically to the Girls’ Education and Gender Equity Network National Workshop organized on the occasion of international women’s day at Hotel Yak and Yati from 13-14th March 2014. The main objectives of the workshop were to capacity building of Girls Education Network, to expand the network at the school level, to start adolescent targeted counseling, and to develop an integrated plan of the network. Member and representatives of gender contact points, MOE, DOE, concerned ministries, women networks, donor agencies, girls education network, department and research organizations, CA, women groups, university, politicians, media, teacher, students, SMC, and parent. ASN participated in the Girls’ Education and Gender Equity Network National Workshop and developed an action plan for the organization targeting girls’ education in the coming days.

Run for Inclusion

Aasaman Nepal organized “RUN FOR INCLUSION” on 22nd December 2013 at various 15 places i.e. Baglung Bazar, Kusmisera, Binamare, Amlachaur, Narayansthan, Painyupata and Bhakunde of Baglung and Bhutahi, Simraha Singyaun, Baniniya, Ramnagar and Lahan of Siraha districts. The main objective of the event was to bring dignity and respect to excluded communities by supporting them through education and employment opportunities. In total 2449 different stakeholders from government officials, teachers, industrialists, political leaders, and students along with ASN participated in that event.