Project objective:
To improve the Nutritional Status of pregnant and lactating women (PLW) and children 6 to 23 months of age.
Project duration: 11 January 2022 to 10 January 2023
Funding Partner: United Nation’ World Food Program (UNWFP)
Project Area: Saptari and Siraha districts (whole R/M)
Project expected outcome:
- Improved nutritional status of children and pregnant and lactating women (PLW) through increased access and utilization of locally available nutritious foods.
- Changes in behaviors and practices of children and PLW that promote better nutrition.
- Improved coverage and utilization of essential health and nutrition services among PLW and children 6 to 23 months of age.
- Improved access to locally available nutritious food
Major Interventions
Supply Side Interventions:
- Provide technical assistance to MoHP, Provincial Health Directorate, and selected health facilities.
- Provide training, infrastructure development, and material/supplies support to health facilities.
- Linkage with agriculture sector to access to locally available adequate and diverse diets among poor, food insecure, and vulnerable households.
Demand Side Interventions:
- Broadcast key messages through mass media (radio), print and disseminate of SBCC materials in local languages to health facilities, schools, and communities to create a public awareness campaign on nutrition, health and WASH.
- Mobilize FCHVs, health workers and community volunteers (MSNP) by providing training on recipe book, cooking demonstration and gender sensitive.
Total number of beneficiaries: 138290
Direct beneficiaries: 12829
Indirect beneficiaries: 125461
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