News Projects

Mother and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN)

Project objective: 

To improve the Nutritional Status of pregnant and lactating women (PLW) and children 6 to 23 months of age. 

Project duration: 11 January 2022 to 10 January 2023

Funding Partner: United Nation’ World Food Program (UNWFP) 

Project Area: Saptari and Siraha districts (whole R/M)

Project expected outcome:

  1. Improved nutritional status of children and pregnant and lactating women (PLW) through increased access and utilization of locally available nutritious foods.
  2. Changes in behaviors and practices of children and PLW that promote better nutrition.
  3. Improved coverage and utilization of essential health and nutrition services among PLW and children 6 to 23 months of age.
  4. Improved access to locally available nutritious food

Major Interventions

Supply Side Interventions:
  1. Provide technical assistance to MoHP, Provincial Health Directorate, and selected health facilities.
  2. Provide training, infrastructure development, and material/supplies support to health facilities.
  3. Linkage with agriculture sector to access to locally available adequate and diverse diets among poor, food insecure, and vulnerable households.
Demand Side Interventions:
  1. Broadcast key messages through mass media (radio), print and disseminate of SBCC materials in local languages to health facilities, schools, and communities to create a public awareness campaign on nutrition, health and WASH.
  2. Mobilize FCHVs, health workers and community volunteers (MSNP) by providing training on recipe book, cooking demonstration and gender sensitive.


Total number of beneficiaries: 138290
Direct beneficiaries: 12829
Indirect beneficiaries: 125461

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