COVID-19 impact and its effect on the disadvanced people (specially daily wages labor,women , differently abled person,dalit and other targeted groups ) and its effect on their health and livelihood and its impact on their health and livelihood. Also to respond the project aim “Recovery Of Living Condition For The Most Vulnerable People Affected By COVID 19” design with the support of different local partners, local government, community people and stakeholders.
Objective 1
Providing support and improving the health and livelihood of the vulnerable communities or people by contributing effort to strengthen the capacity in terms of health, hygiene, sanitation and help them to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Also to improve communities’ safe access to water of sufficient quality and quantity, and good-quality sanitation,to improve hygiene practices and to improve WASH.
Objective 2
Providing opportunities and support or facilities to the targeted group in terms of food security, production, distribution and income-generating opportunities, training to rehabilitate from the post effect of COVID-19 sustainably.
Target beneficiaries
Marginalized/economically deprived, Dalit, Single women, Differently abled person, Migrant workers/dependent on daily wages.
Working Area
The targeted area is “Sahid Nagarpalika Yadukuha, Dhanusha“.
Duration of the project:
This project is designed for the duration of 15 months which is (from October 2020-December 2021).