Promoting Quality Education for Girls and Marginalized Children in Dhanusha, Terai Nepal is a three-year project funded by The Royal Norwegian Embassy with the aim to increase access to quality education for out-of-school marginalized children, girls and differently able children.
Target Beneficiaries: Children, Teacher Marginalized and Musahar Community Member
Duration: Oct 2019-Sept 2022, Extension: Oct 2022- Dec 2022
Project Objective: Marginalized children and girls including those with disabilities, are empowered”
Previously Aasaman Nepal implemented a project entitled “Promoting Quality Education for Girls and Marginalized Children of Dhanusha, Terai Nepal“. This quality enhancement project resulted in positive outcomes in the promotion of and access to quality education. But the study highlighted the need to design and implement comprehensive educational interventions to assure that all children had the right to basic quality education. Good quality pedagogical intervention and educational support for children with disabilities are major areas that needed further interventions. Additionally, the level of parental education, knowledge on reproductive health, use of teaching/learning materials in classroom delivery, provisions of WASH facilities in the schools, modification of school structure for easy access to children with disabilities, provision of service room for adolescent girls and female teachers for their better care and safety during menstruation, provision of basic health care facilities in the schools, and well-functioning management of early childhood care in the schools are the major areas where additional interventions are urgent. Realizing these facts ASN has continued the effort to work for quality education.
The overall goal of the project is to empower marginalized children and girls including those with disabilities.
Outcomes of the project
- Increased access of out-of-school marginalized children, girls and differently able children to quality education.
- Enhanced child-friendly and gender-responsive teaching and learning practices in classes.
- An increased learning environment for marginalized children at home and school.
- Reflect the learning of the project at different levels of government.
About the Assignment
The project “Promoting Quality Education for Girls and Marginalized Children in Dhanusha, Terai Nepal” will be implemented in 97 schools and 116 ECDs of 4 palikas and 40 wards:
- Ganeshman Charnath Municipality (11 Wards)
- Sabaila Municipality (13 Wards)
- Laxminiya Rural Municipality(7 Wards)
- Nagrain Municipality (9 Wards)
of Dhanusha district. Aasaman Nepal (ASN) intends to conduct an independent baseline survey that will focus on the collection of data/information for a set of performance indicators outlined in the project log frame. The study report will be used as a measurement to monitor the project progress against the set indicators over the course of the project implementation. It will also form the basis for the final evaluation other than setting the baseline and helps to set targets for project indicators. Consequently, it’s vital to consider the impact that is going to create through the project also to be considered in this baseline survey.

The project logical framework
Scope of the workThe selected individual consultant/firm is expected to deliver the following within the given time frame:
- Revision, design and field test of the base line survey instruments.
- Design sampling strategy-based methodology and calculate sample size agreed-upon methodologies.
- Plan, design, and implement training of enumerators and supervisors.
- Implement and supervise field data collection, data input and cleaning.
- Analyze and synthesize data; and prepare report and Program Indicator Tracking.
- Conduct final presentation and deliver final report, documents, files, and other materials.
The survey will use a mixed-method approach consisting of both qualitative and quantitative data collections. Final detailed baseline methodology should be developed in consultation with the ASN project team.